Monday, March 7, 2016

Still Life

1.Describe the craftsmanship of your drawing.
I used pencil to create a realistic still life drawing with shading.
2.Are your values and shadows realistic? How many values did you include? How and why are values important?
I tried to use as many values as I could but I probably could have gone a little darker. Values are important because they show the shadows and how the light hits to object. It's what creates a realistic look.
3.Is there a clear source of lighting?
I probably could have done a little better with this but I think the lighting looks pretty good
4.How important were the compositional sketches. Explain.
The compositional sketches were important because I got to figure out which objects I liked drawing more and experimented with a few different things. I chose one of the compositional sketches to do for my final still life piece.
5.How is your final drawing successful?
My final drawing is successful because I was able to draw the whole thing and include values, shadows, and realistic features of the still life object.
6.Are the proportions, structure and perspective of the subject correct?
I think the proportions, structure, and perspective are mostly right. The only thing is that I feel like the objects don't match up because some are more realistic and some are more impressionistic-like.
7.Does the placement & grouping of objects create a pleasing arrangement (composition)?
I tried to pick a spot in the still life that had pieces I would like to draw but also an arrangement that was pleasing to whomever looking at my still life, so I think I did well with this.
8.Is there a center of interest and is it well located?
The center of interest is probably the elephant, because it is mostly in the middle of the piece.
9.How well did you manage your time and resources throughout the process of creating this drawing? Do you see where you could improve in this area?
I think I managed my time well in class.
10.What challenges did you encounter during this project and how did you overcome them?
I had trouble doing the flower at the top but I just decided to go for it and I think I did pretty well with it!
11.What have you learned drawing a still life?
While drawing this still life, I have learned what I am good at drawing and what I am not good at drawing. I have also learned that I need to stop being "afraid of the dark" and just go darker with my values because it will create a more realistic look. I have also learned that I really like using color in my pieces so this was a little difficult for me, to do the whole thing in pencil.
My composition sketches:

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