Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Pit and Can Firing

1. What is a pit firing? Pit firing is when a hole in the ground, or pit, is created and pots are placed in the pit and burned. Items that are also in the pit turn to vapor and will swirl around the pieces in the pit, creating color and patterns on the pot. You put things like wood shavings, sawdust, grass clippings, dried leaves, banana peels, and newspaper into the pit.

What is foil/paper saggar? Saggar firing is the method of creating a confined atmosphere within a container (saggar) The saggar can be made from anything including clay, newspaper, aluminum foil, tin cans, and grocery paper bags.You then put it in a kiln and cook it.

2. What makes the techniques special? These techniques are special because you can get really cool looking pots because of the color by the way it is cooked.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Link to pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/juliajj2/art/ (scroll down some to find the free project stuff)

I made a basket out of maps. I took maps, cut them into long strips, and then weaved them together to create the basket. It was really fun but also challenging because I have never done anything like this before. Also it was hard because the paper is delicate. I liked the concept of making a piece with something you could get for free. It forced me to think outside the box which is always fun.

Monday, April 13, 2015


Pinterest Board: https://www.pinterest.com/juliajj2/art/ (you have to scroll down some to see the vessel pins)
I am very happy with how this project came out. I started out cutting and putting the slabs together and then carving out the designs on the clay. I also made a top which doesn't fit completely right but it still looks good. It was then fired and then I painted with acrylic paint and did a shiny top coat. I think it was a very good project and I enjoyed doing it

Animal Head

For my animal head project, I made an owl head. It's pretty cute but I think I could have done better with it. I could have made it more realistic and made the glaze more even. Other than that, though, I think it's pretty good and I did well.